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L2 Getwork Vote! High Five 12

  • date d'ajoutée: 2024-07-24 16:15:18
  • Propriétaire: Lineage Getwork
  • Site Web: https://l2server.cz
  • Statut:
  • La langue: Czech
  • Géolocalisation: France
  • Plate-forme / Type: L2J Normal
taux Server
  • EXP: 75
  • SP: 75
  • TOMBER: 1
  • ADENA: 1
  • Enchanter sûr: 4
  • Enchanter max: 10000
Bon à savoir
  • Boutique GM:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • zone personnalisée:
  • arme personnalisée:
  • armure personnalisée:
  • boutique Hors ligne:
Social share
L2 High Five fully customized server with High Stats and Enchant

ExPSp 75x custom
DropSpoil 1x custom
Safe 4
Max 10 000
All Enchant Scrolls are 100

Enchant System Normal Scrolls


Max Enchant DGrade 30
Max Enchant CGrade 50
Max Enchant BGrade 75
Max Enchant AGrade 150
Max Enchant SGrade 150

Enchant System Blessed Scrolls


Max Enchant SGrade Weapons 10000
Max Enchant SGrade Armors 2500

Fir Tree Branch Weapon 100 into Weapons max 10 000
Fir Tree Branch Armor 15 into Armor max 2500
Road to Dvc Cloak Enchant 1 into cloak max 1000
Masks of SpiritDemon Horns Enchants 1 into Masks max 10

Daily Missions
Gambling System 5 Packs each pack cost different Gamble Points different items
How to get gambling points by killing Raid BossesEvents or Completing Daily Missions
Clan Bonus
VIP Bonuses this is not premium
Premium Bonuses
Rebirth starting in Parnassus

Everything is stated in ALTB

Masters Buffs 100 Small Glass Box 1 buff

Farm Zones
Ruins of Agony Exp Zone
Brigadine Stronghold
Frost Lake

Lucky Creatures
Treasure Hunt
Capture The Flag

Enchant System Informations

Enchanting is kinda solid here its not like you are getting
only PM AtkPdef each Levels has different stats


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