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l2 World of Aden Vote! High Five 0

  • date d'ajoutée: 2023-09-02 18:01:58
  • Propriétaire: WorldOfAden
  • Site Web: https://www.worldofaden.net
  • Statut:
  • La langue: English
  • Géolocalisation: Spain
  • Plate-forme / Type: L2OFF Normal
taux Server
  • EXP: 1
  • SP: 1
  • TOMBER: 1
  • ADENA: 1
  • Enchanter sûr: 3
  • Enchanter max: 16
Bon à savoir
  • Boutique GM:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • zone personnalisée:
  • arme personnalisée:
  • armure personnalisée:
  • boutique Hors ligne:
Social share
A Classic Hardcore project on a Stable PTS platform For fans of HF chronicles For those who play lowquality projects and have no alternative Hardcore HF x1 with development in several languages European server with worldwide proxy No box No custom No P2W PVE server Great balance No autopicking up drops

Server concept
World of Aden the game in which all your best emotions impressions and memories are collected The concept created together with the players and for the players logically and consistently opens up the harsh world of the magical continent according to the C1 IL H5 Classic chronicles Character development creation upgrades and special game systems are carefully studied and logically assembled by an entire team of professionals As well as a wellbuilt market economic model uptodate articles everything is totally functional a highfive world that is cared for down to the smallest detail All this allows the player to participate in full events even with a weak computer and with minimal internet


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