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L2Earth Vote! Interlude 0

  • date d'ajoutée: 2023-05-13 22:11:26
  • Propriétaire: L2Earth2023
  • Site Web: https://l2earth.com
  • Statut:
  • La langue: English
  • Géolocalisation: Germany
  • Plate-forme / Type: L2J Normal
taux Server
  • EXP: 25
  • SP: 25
  • TOMBER: 7
  • ADENA: 7
  • Enchanter sûr: 3
  • Enchanter max: 16
Bon à savoir
  • Boutique GM:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • zone personnalisée:
  • arme personnalisée:
  • armure personnalisée:
  • boutique Hors ligne:
Social share
Server Base Version Interlude
XPSP x25
Adena x7
Drop Chance x7
Spoil Chance x7
Epic Boss Drop x1
RB Drop x3
2 hours duration selfbuffs retail
Total buff slots 24 4 Divine Inspiration
Auto Loot for items from monsters and manual pickup for raid bosses
Auto Loot system for adena from monsters
Mana Potions Restores 1000 MP with 10s cooldown
1st and 2nd class transfers are free 3rd class by quest or donate
Maximum Clients per computer 2
Auto Augment Weapon by right click on life stone very fast way to augment the weapon in 1 click
Auto learn skills until level 79 lvl 80 books can be farmed in Primeval Island from mobs or from rb Sailren who spawns every 6 hours
Other features
Weight limit increased x5
Inventory slots 150
Skill Sweeper Festival added to Scavenger
Shift click on monsters to see the droplist
FOI Works like GF chronicle effect disappear on casting or hitting
Offline shop duration 7 days before being kicked
There is no clan penalty to inviteexpel
Clan skills for all members not rank dependant
Missions system from Classic you can get rewards by completing dailyweeklyonetime missions like killing monsters raids players on pvp epics collecting certain items
Malaria flu can be get directly lvl 4 in Hot Springs they work as debuffs cleansable
Buff block skill
Block exp skill from votingpremium
Restore life does not work in Raid Boss or Epic Boss
Blessed Scroll of Resurection has 1 minute cooldown reuse
Cancel all skills with cancel effect removes buffs for 12 seconds then the buffs return
Subclass QUEST sub class raid boss respawn time is 6h 15 min random once you have Pipete you can exchange for Red Pipete for FREE in gmshop On this way everyone can make subclass without going to Baiums
Nobless QUEST supplier of reagents quest for moonstone shard and hellfire oil has been increased x3 rates
Barakiel if you kill barakiel on this step of the quest you will get the staff if you dont last hit the raid you will get a staff fragment instead with 15 fragments you automatically get the staff and can finish the quest This means that even failing barakiel you always progress


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