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Serveurs indexés : 28

Lineage 2 Gamecoast Vote! Classic 3.0 0

  • date d'ajoutée: 2018-06-21 23:52:04
  • Propriétaire: gamecoastnet
  • Site Web: https://classic.gamecoast.net/
  • Statut:
  • La langue: Russian
  • Géolocalisation:
  • Plate-forme / Type: L2OFF Normal
taux Server
  • EXP: 7
  • SP: 7
  • TOMBER: 5
  • ADENA: 5
  • Enchanter sûr: 4
  • Enchanter max: 22
Bon à savoir
  • Boutique GM:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • zone personnalisée:
  • arme personnalisée:
  • armure personnalisée:
  • boutique Hors ligne:
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Dear friendstoday we are ready to announce a new stage in the life of our complex The official opening of the server Vanaheimr based on the Lineage 2 Classic chronicles with the x3 rates will held on June 29 at 1800 Moscow time At the moment server is in the open testing mode and we carefully study all feedbacks from you In addition we redeem all advertising spaces to provide you with the maximum onlineFollowing the best traditions of Gamecoast the new gaming world uses the official server platform Lineage II Classic version 20 with the latest Antharas update Moreover we have made a lot of efforts to make your game even more comfortable and implemented several significant chips including offline trading and ability to block the experience Moreover we have made a lot of efforts to make your game even more comfortable and implemented several significant chips including offline trading and ability to block the experience Moreover we have made a lot of efforts to make your game even more comfortable and implemented several significant chips including offline trading and ability to block the experience


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