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L2 100ka Vote! Interlude 71

  • date d'ajoutée: 2015-04-10 20:57:47
  • Propriétaire: OldMemories
  • Site Web: https://100ka.cz/
  • Statut:
  • La langue: English
  • Géolocalisation: Czech Republic
  • Plate-forme / Type: L2J Normal
taux Server
  • EXP: 40
  • SP: 40
  • TOMBER: 10
  • ADENA: 7
  • Enchanter sûr: 4
  • Enchanter max: 20
Bon à savoir
  • Boutique GM:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • zone personnalisée:
  • arme personnalisée:
  • armure personnalisée:
  • boutique Hors ligne:
Social share
Server Grand Opening 10th of May 2024 2000 CET


Experience XP x40
Skill Points SP x40
Drop Adena x7
Drop Items x10
Drop Spoil x7
Drop Raidboss x5
Drop Epic RB x1
Quest reward x2
Quest reward XPSP x5
Quest reward adena x3
Quest drop x1


Auto farm command autofarm not working on epic zones GM zones and PvP flag player
Autopickup up Autolearn skills
Balanced classes
Global gatekeeper Towns Epic RB Catacombs Necropolis GM zone etc
GM SHOP to B grade
AS grade items CRAFT
Mana potions 500MP cooldown 5 seconds
Merchant of Mammon and Blacksmith of Mammon added to NPC Taurin
Autoflag PvP zones Grand Boss locations
Team vs Team
Custom Raid Boss 100ka Boss 3x per day
Enchant scrolls LifeStones and Secret Books of Giants are stackable
Donate is NOT pay to win
Smart Guard anticheat protection
Champion system 20 chance for drop medal currency to premium account
New item Talisman LVL 1234 from TvT event


Buffslot 24 4 Divine books drop donate olympiad
Buff time 2 hours
Cat and Horse buff resists only with PREMIUM ACCOUNT
Buffs will return automatically if you get cancelation after 15 seconds you have to be alive not dead or ressed


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